Monday, September 7, 2009

A mask and the H1N1 virus

In the recent outbreak of the H1N1 virus, many has been hospitalised and many unlucky ones died from the deadly flu virus..Mexico and USA being countries with the highest number of cases and deaths have adopted the right preventive measures in an attempt to stop the fast spreading virus.. Many Mexicans and Americans are seen to wear masks and increased their level of hygiene to a certain extend as a response to the deadly virus..

However, what can be seen here in Malaysia is rather surprising..The Government has urged the public to adopt preventive measures such as wearing a mask in crowded places and sanitizing hands before a meal..Sufficient information about how deadly the virus was also given and has thereof reached the public through various channels..But why aren't the people doing their part to prevent the virus from spreading further? Are they brave or just simply ignorant? Is it really that difficult to put on a mask wherever you go to a crowded area?

Hundreds of new cases are reported daily and yet they cheer just because there was no death being reported on that day? It is rather a shame for a country which is considered by many as a small country but recorded such a high number of death from the virus.. Mostly just know how to put the blame on the Government from not doing a good job in stopping the spreading of the virus but never felt the need to do their part..

Malaysians are still living in a ignorance induced wonderland and aren't too late to realise the importance of prevention..If you do not care about yourself, do think about your love ones..You may got infected with the virus and survive but your young ones, weaker ones may not be so lucky..Ask how regretful those parents who had lost their child to this virus..Ask them if they now have the choice, would they care anymore about how others think of you when wearing the mask? Ask them whether 60 cents are too much to pay for their own children lives?

Further, there are these group of parents who do care about their children but they are no less ignorant or perhaps they are grossly misconceived the spreading of the virus.. These parents are those who protect their child with mask but has the wrong perception that they are strong enough to withstand the threat of the virus..Are you that sure? Are you medically qualified? Just think about it..Do you share food with your child? Do you kiss your child before he goes to sleep? Are you living together with your child?! If it is the affirmative, what on earth makes you think that you would know when you got the virus before you spread it to your child? What if it is too late? Dead too late?As parents you got to be an example..As a boyfriend, you got to be wise, not with your muscle but with your brains..Whoever you are, you got to realise that the condition can be way worst than what is now presently if all of us continue with our ignorance and stupidity..The world is sick enough..Please lets try together not to make it worst..Those who are sick, you are indeed sick if you do not wear a mask and cover yourself when you go out public..For those you are healthy and kicking, you must be stupid if you do not ensure yourself being in such condition.. Also those who practicing such preventive measures please do it properly..It is serious matter and shouldn't be taken lightly or being made a trend.. Just cover up your dirty, stinky, sexy mouth or whatever you call it in a proper manner..If you ought to do it, do it properly..That is to cover both your mouth and nose..In fact you must!

Stop being ignorant! Stop caring what people thinks about you! Stop waiting! What are you waiting for? Waiting for more people to wear or die before you decide to put on one? What is it is too late by then? What if the price you pay is the lives of your loved ones or perhaps your own life? Is is not worth it!! Say "NO" to stupidity and ignorance..Say "YES" you will wear a mask..


  1. i like this post...may i quote a line from ur blog and share it in my facebook :D
